
Give them what they want, the most valuable thing first.

This is for you if:

  • You run a big ecommerce website with lots of products
  • Every day is a challenge deciding what to do next to improve the performance of your website
  • You want to know how much more money you could make next month by making a few changes
  • You also want to know what those changes are, naturally

We will:

  • Figure out how well your advertising, SEO, email, referrals, landing pages, conversion process, product range and pricing match what people want
  • Figure out specific changes you could make to give said people what they want
  • Figure out which of those changes will bring in the most extra revenue

The problem

There are literally thousands of ways you could make more money from your ecommerce store—and all of them hinge on giving people what they want.

Unfortunately, most ecommerce analysis focuses on the door the visitor came in from (the paid search door, the retargeting door, the social door, the organic search door, etc. etc.). Now, while the door they came in from is interesting, it’s not as fundamental as the reason for the visit. Because when people drop by your site, they do it for a reason. There's something they wanted. And if what they want isn't delivered? Well, they leave without buying anything. Not good when the whole purpose of your site is to sell things.

How we can help

We can figure out the expected sales you should be making, and quickly home in on the products that aren't doing as well as they should be. We can then figure out how much they could be making, if only a few tweaks were made.

Gather the data

First things first, we need to analyse the visitors to your site. We'll pull in data from Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, AdWords, your Business Information systems as well as a bunch of our own services (Botmunch, Reporter and Provider all integrate nicely), and look at things like how many people see a signpost (such as an advert or an organic search result) to your site and how many of those people actually decide to visit, what you paid for it, how many transacted (and if not, where did they fall out of the process), what your cost of goods was, what competitor ranges and prices are, and lots more.

Set Expectations

Now for the good news. Based on the data we gathered, we can set expectations for how many sales you should be making for each product (or ‘goal’), based on the number of people who first saw an ad, or a search result, or an email, or who just turned up. In fact, we can set an expectation of performance at every measurable point along the journey from first awareness of a goal (advert, search result, direct visit and so on) and every subsequent step, all the way to purchase.

Spot the deviants

As we now have our expectations set for every customer goal, we can figure out which goal journeys deviate the most from expectation, and see if any of the data suggests why that might be. We'll make a note of how much more money each one could be bringing in if they met expectation, and how you might do that.

Prioritise the opportunities

The next step is simple: follow the money. We now know just how much more money you could be making from those deviant pages, so naturally we'll point you to the ones that could bring in the most extra revenue first.

How it works

If you sell tens of thousands of products, there are tens of thousands of tweaks that could lead to more sales. Each tweak is intricately connected with a user goal (the thing your visitor wanted when they came to your site) and how accurately a visitor's behaviour aligns with that goal. If the behaviour deviates from what we'd expect, you have a problem—a problem that could make you a lot more money if fixed.

You see, if a person comes to your site after Googling "bosch nailguns," they probably want to buy a Bosch nailgun. And if, after landing on your website, they decide not to do this, something may be wrong with your process. Especially if most of the people who started looking for "bosch nailguns" decide not to buy one from you. This is when the big red warning signs start flashing.

There are countless user behaviours and millions of data points we can analyse to get to the bottom of the deviations on your website. The things to fix depend on the point at which things go wrong.


The number of people who click through to your website after seeing a link for it, whether in an advert, search result, or something else. If you're getting lower than expected clickthrough rates, we'll take a closer look at your ad copy or search results and report problems, and appropriate changes… to page title or description data shown in search results, to ad copy, or to ad targeting.


The number of people who go deeper into your site, instead of just leaving after glancing at the page they landed on. If your engagement rates are lower than expected, we'll need to take a look at how accurately the adverts and search results that brought people to the landing page actually reflect what's on it.

Problems here are usually down to the initial experience (oh look, all the iPhone users are binning out…) or plain old relevance. Because, of course, people are going to leave if they click to your website in the hope of finding some maroon kitten heels, only to land on the page for scarlet ballet pumps. If you’re paying for those visits, you probably want to stop that. Or start stocking maroon kitten heels, if the numbers add up.

Transaction rates

If your clickthrough and engagement rates are looking good, but the expected number of people aren't going on to buy anything, then the problem almost certainly lies with your product offerings. Do you have bad reviews, are your prices too high, your product descriptions lacking? Our reporting system bounces up and down in excitement and points to each problem it can find.

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If you want your website to pull its weight and bring in as many sales as possible

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